The bags are packed, the presents are wrapped and sorted and now we just need some Brisbane sleighs to deliver our Christmas baskets anonymously to our Brisbane recipients, and of course some elves to load them.
Since 1995 the Brisbane Basket Brigade has been anonymously delivering food and present baskets to members within our very own community that may be doing it tough to remind them that someone cares at Christmas. You can volunteer to be a basket brigade deliverer or help load the vehicles before we send them on their merry way
Dispatch Crew - Minimum age for children in this role is 12 years old - help organise and arrange baskets for delivery.
Perhaps you might consider helping load the vehicles before doing your deliveries? Please dont hesitate to register for a time slot which includes your delivery time slot. You will, of course, have the opportunity to put your deliveries aside until you have finished your shift
Delivery Drivers:
All deliveries for Outer and Inner North and Inner West will be dispatched from Nudgee College, Boondall
All deliveries for East, South and Outer West will be dispatched from John Paul College, Daisy Hill
Please note that the times on the tickets below are the dispatch times from the venues. Please ensure that you arrive within your allocated time to ensure that the dispatch program runs smoothly.
There may be a delay/backlog on pickups depending at which time you arrive and we thank you in advance for your patience.
Drivers must be accompanied by another adult for safety reasons. You will be required to enter all the occupants of your vehicle on your signup form (including any children).
1 ticket = 1 vehicle for delivery. All the vehicle occupants are included under the 1 ticket.
You will be requested to deliver baskets to 2-3 different families within a specific area or zone.
We will endeavour to meet your delivery location requests, but can not guarantee this and appreciate your understanding. We need to make sure all those families in need receive their baskets before Christmas
We will provide you with full instructions and a briefing prior to your allocated deliveries. This will include how to deliver your baskets, what to say to your recipients to keep it anonymous and what to do if your recipients are not home.
If you really love delivering you are welcome to select more than one ticket, however, you will need to allow a minimum of 2 hours between tickets. i.e. If you select a 9am ticket then you could select another ticket from 11am onwards.
If you have signed up for a RESERVE delivery spot we will notify you if we need your assistance with deliveries. If you do not hear from us please DO NOT come to the venue.
If you have any queries please reach out to us at BBB.Volunteers@magicmoments.org.au and we will get back to you.
Northside Venue
This year's deliveries for the Outer and Inner North and Inner West will be dispatched from Nudgee College, Boondall. Distribution will be from Building 14 (shown on the Nudgee College campus map), please enter via Edmund Rice Way, turn into Mackillop Circuit.
Southside Venue
This year's deliveries for East, South and Outer West will be dispatched from John Paul College at Daisy Hill. The event will be held in the Coleman Centre (marked CC on the JPC campus map) enter via the Markwell Car Park and through the boom gate and there will be volunteers directing you to the dispatch area.
Be sure to check out the details and FAQs for this program on pages 26-27 of the Brisbane Basket Brigade Ultimate Guide.